LISTEN: New Songs!

Two months ago, I premiered a couple songs from some upcoming projects at Musi-CAL, a bi-monthly concert of new songs from Southern California based musical theatre writers (that I also host!)

Now, I know what you’re wondering: does bi-monthly mean twice a month or every two months?

The truth is it means both. BOTH! And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what’s both amazing and terrible about the English language.

But you might also be wondering exactly what these new projects are. One of them I’ve talked about a bunch in the last few months. It’s my new children’s musical Nate the Great.

The song (below) is called “You Can Do It.” It was performed by Lana McKissack and Emily Clark, and filmed by Amy Francis Schott.

But the other project I haven’t spoken about too much on this blog (though if you check in on my Now Page, you might have read about it.

It’s a musical podcast called In Strange Woods. It’s a (fictional) documentary told through narration, interview, and song, and it’s written by me, Jeff Luppino-Esposito, and Matt Savarese.

We’re still keeping mum about the story so far, but below you can hear a song from the podcast called “When Something Happens.” It was performed by Lana McKissack, with Jeff on guitar and me on piano.

If you’d like to stay on top of this project and others, you can hop on my mailing list, or check back in on my Now Page from time to time.

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Actor / Writer / Idealist I believe a good story has the power to change the way people feel, think, and act. I'm a storyteller with a passion for changing the world and leaving it better than I found it.