Who Watches TV for the Music?

I don’t know about you – but my two new favorite pilots are Ben and Kate and The Mindy Project.  (FOX ftw!)

Aside from Mindy Kaling who is just plain awesome, her show in particular also features some great music from the teasers to the pilot itself.  Jessie J’s “Domino” anybody?

According to this great breakdown of the music on the show, music supervisor Kevin Edelman confirms that Mindy was the final word on all the music in the show – a lot of which was her idea to begin with.  I’m particularly in love with the opening bars of M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” which they use throughout the pilot.

But even more exciting is Jesse Novak – brother to producer B.J. Novak (The Office) and the composer for the show.  It’s his first time composing for a TV show and based on his commercial work, I think it means exciting things, especially in a world where most TV music is (frankly) kinda stinky.

(Jesse is apparently huge in Turkey?)

WTF are you watching this fall?